Seasonal Campers
Visitors must be pre-registered within 48 hours of their arrival and by a current campsite occupant. This is to ensure the visitor is welcomed at the camp site and their visitor pass will be ready for their arrival- which will help traffic at the front gate. Only seasonal campers are allowed to have overnight visitors. Overnight campers are only allowed to have daily visitors.
2024 Host Request Guidelines and Form
Please be prepared to provide current liability insurance and a copy of your RV title to prove ownership.
Greenwood Acres Family Campground (GWAFC), seasonal campers know how to enjoy camping without the gas expense and time of moving from their homes to a campsite for the weekends.
Our seasonal campers enjoy the same site every year. They may visit any time they wish and stay as long as they want between April 1st and October 31st.
The seasonal campers at Greenwood Acres Family Campground can leave their boats in the water at their own boat slip. (Boat Slip Waiting List Is Currently Full)
Many seasonal campers have their own deck and or shed on their campsite. A shed helps keep their lots clean and tidy while providing them with storage for their summer toys and extra items.
With a seasonal site, campers get to come out and enjoy their set-up all season long.
Sewer Pump Outs
Our Honey Wagon service is available only for seasonal campers which is done weekly on Tuesdays. Pump-outs will start at $50 and each additional valve is $10. Please prepay online or call our Front Office at 517-522-8600 by Monday at 5 pm.
For Sale List
As a courtesy to our seasonal campers we maintain a For Sale List for camping and related items. Please notify the office at (517) 522-8600 immediately after your listing sells so that we may remove your item(s) and keep this listing current.
Services By Seasonal Campers
Power Wash and Stain
- Power wash decks
- Power wash campers
- Stain decks
- Stain sheds
If you are interested in any of these services please contact Frank 734-560-5634 or John 734-658-9833.
- Power wash RV's and campers
- Gutter cleaning
- Roof cleaning
- Concrete cleaning
- Paver cleaning/ sealing
If you are interested in any of these services please contact Blake Cobetto at 517-917-4291.
Grass Cutters
Would you like to have someone else mow your lot? Here's a list of grass cutters in the park.
Jenny: (313) 977-0481
Jordan: (586) 335-3436
Campground: (517) 522-8600
Winterize Your Trailer
For your convenience we have a list of contacts for winterizing your trailer for the off season.
Eddie P: (313) 334-8512
Dave W: (586) 553-5906 (Dave's Done Rite RV Service)
Matthew W: (734) 377-0473 (Time Off)
Scott G: (517) 262-1157 (Time Off)
Mike S: (517) 937-9663